Objectification and Double Standards [A Reflection]


So I was having an interesting conversation with someone the other day that spawned from a Tumblr post that talked about the fact that Nash Grier is so “sexist”. Now, being the sometimes sheltered person that I am when it comes to the latest teenage “thing” I had to do some research on who this kid was. What did I gather? That he’s a pretty boy who gained popularity because of the fact that he’s “good looking” (in a childish, anglo-saxon kind of way) and he has a Vine?

Is he even talented? In any way? I doubt that he’s funny or else I would have read something about it. No…This kid seems to be popular purely on the fact that girls (and judging by the number of followers he has, some sketchy adults too) think that he’s a poster boy for the perfect boy toy. Maybe I’m jumping to conclusions, but I have seen some comments about this kid. Girl’s think he’s hot. They also seem to worship his eyes.

So why did everyone flip about his Youtube video in which he described what he thinks makes a girl attractive? Look, I am about equal rights and fighting stereotypes as much as the next fair weather activist is, but there is a point when I think that people become oversensitive and hypocritical.

Is this young man not allowed to share his personal beliefs? Last time I checked, beauty was in the eye of beholder. So what, he shattered some dreams of little girls being his perfect girl? Continue reading

Religion, Faith, and the Absense of Both: Confessions from an Atheist(?)


I wish I had a dollar for every time someone told me that I was going to hell. Honestly, I’m pretty sure I would have amassed a small fortune by now. Now, you might look at my blog and wonder what sinful activities I have been up to but I’ll save you some time. I don’t sin anymore or any less than you probably do, I just don’t believe that I’m sinning. You see, I don’t subscribe to any religion. In fact, the only place I place my faith is with my fellow man.

Now, before I get to far into this post I would like to start off by pointing out that I would love the idea of burning in hell. You see, the idea that there is a heaven and a hell is a lot more comforting than the idea that there is nothing after death.If I believed that everything I do in this life carried over to the next, my life would suddenly feel a whole lot easier to bear.

But I can’t believe that.

Now, this isn’t an article disputing whether or not there is a god or there isn’t. No, this is an article about what the absence of faith feels like in my own personal life. This is what it feels like desperately wanting something that you feel like you can not have.

Because I don’t think that not believing is always a choice.

I was raised by parents who, despite their own religious backgrounds as children, decided to shelter me from religion for a long period of time.
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The world is thrown into madness!!! Amazon inspires more drone purchases….


Quick, hide your wife! Hide your kids! Hide your loved ones and your pets too! Amazon is already inspiring more companies to invest money in drones. You know what that means. Soon we will have all kinds of new fangled robots flying around in our backyards blowing up our beloved dog houses and tearing up our driveways with their laser vision.

Too soon?

While Amazon is trying to fight for their rights to use drones for commercial gains, which is a risky move considering the fact that the government gets enough crap for wanting to use drones, other major companies such as Facebook are following in their footsteps. I mean come on, the FAA has already tried getting people in trouble for using low altitude drones. Do you really want to dump a ton of money into something that might not see the light of day anytime soon? Don’t get me wrong, I am all about technological progression. But drones are a touchy subject with some people. And people have every right to dislike the use of drones.

My number one issue isn’t the fact that I believe these drones will kill me on my way to the grocery store. (Even though that would be a pretty awesome way to go) Continue reading

Sometimes we forget about the positive things in life


I am a victim of this sometimes, hell, I’m a victim of this constantly. So often, I am so busy trying to shoulder what feels like the weight of the world that I totally ignore the nicer things in life. In fact, I downright ignore the nice things in life. You see, my life has been nothing but a giant state of emotional distress for the past two years. I get that my life isn’t as bad as some other people’s, but that doesn’t make it any less stressful. In fact, it makes it infinitely more stressful emotionally because I feel like I should not be under so much stress given the circumstances. But never mind the details, let’s talk about the emotions, you know, those big juicy details that people love reading about. The blood curdling anger, the  sleepless nights, the feeling like the lightest bump in passing will cause all your tense muscles to explode in a shower of gory mess. 
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GUESS WHAT? Code Isn’t Something that You Can Learn Overnight


Honestly, I don’t know what these people were thinking when they agreed to hire Lottie Dexter, a coding illiterate puppet, to try and head the Year of Code initiative. This woman may excel at communications but you wouldn’t know it when she opens her mouth in this interview to try and explain what the initiative is doing. It honestly would not have been hard for them to find someone who could easily speak to a group of people and lead a project without sounding like a complete idiot on the subject. Honestly, she struggles to explain what code is in this video. How hard would it have been to even do some reading up on the subject before getting on TV and making coding sound like something vague and simple that people can just pick up and do? I think that it’s rather insulting to anyone who is trying to learn how to code or knows how to code.

I mean, maybe I’m being a bit harsh here. After all, it’s only every day that we have some idiot get up on a platform and have attempt giving a presentation on it when they nothing about what they’re speaking on. This fact wouldn’t bother me if it weren’t for the fact that it is so easy to train people with half a brain to sound like they know what they are talking about. Continue reading

People who can’t take criticism or keep an open mind


Maybe I’m just easily offended by people who don’t appreciate a good mental joust. After all, ignorance has often been one of my greatest enemies. And by ignorance I mean it the way it is meant to be used (I know that it is commonly used to refer to disrespectful people). You see, I can’t blame someone for not knowing something but I can try and enlighten them . And that is where the headache begins.

It would seem, time and time again, that people prefer to remain ignorant on a subject and reject the reality of things. Anyone with a brain and a Facebook has likely been a victim of this, you notice someone arguing something that is completely invalid or just technically unsound and try and right their argument by presenting to them clear and obvious facts or correct their argument so that it has logical merit. What do they do? They ignore your post but like and even go as far to thank the person that goes “lol Ikr” to their terribly mislead opinion.

Then there are those people who will argue with you until you’ve managed to make a point that trumps their own or logically disagrees with them. Usually they will take one of two courses of action, one they ignore your point and pretend it wasn’t made and at this point choose to act ignorant of whatever fact you’ve presented or two, they resort to arguing with silly personal fallacies and make themselves look like an ass because they can not handle being wrong.

Now many of these people who do this online also do it in real life so you don’t hold much against them. But what do you do when it’s someone that is supposedly supposed to be fair and open minded? How do you feel when a blogger who has spent a good ten minutes pontificating their views decides not to respond or even publish your comment because they don’t like to be challenged? These people who are supposed to be open minds and the great thinkers of their generation?

Personally I find it to be a major turn off. So much of a turn off that I will often unfollow whoever it is that is exhibiting such cowardice. Because in the end, it comes off as cowardice to me and I detest cowardice of the written word in print or on screen. Do not claim to be just, fair, or enlightened, when you can not even acknowledge someone else’s view on what you decide to get up in arms about.

Please, feel free to share your comments and experiences below. I would love to see if anyone is as bothered by this as I am.

The Pinterest app…Why is it popular?


Maybe it’s just me….After all, it took me quite some time to get around to using twitter as a nice little networking tool. But this Pinterest business…I don’t like it at all. Don’t get me wrong! I love the idea, someone looked at Tumblr and said “hey let’s capitalize off the the reblogging aspect of Tumblr and throw a little flip board in there” . The result? Something that feels so broken and unusable I want to cry.

I gave Pinterest a try today, just to see how it feels and see if there was any use to it. Biggest mistake of my iphone life. I can not begin to explain how much Pinterest gets under my skin. It’s not user friendly whatsoever and it’s a pain trying to market your own pin board.

This wasn’t so much a review as it was a mini rant but I give Pinterest a 2/10.

Maybe sometime I’ll get over my bafflement and explain why it feels so broken, if I can even figure it out. It just feels like Path, a broken shell of an idea made from people desperate to create the next Tumblr.

Rant of the day: Why “Why I Don’t Date White Men” Infuriates Me To No End



A friend of mine happened to post a rather interesting link on Facebook yesterday. The link was to an article entitled “Why I Don’t Date White Men”, and I have to admit, I knew where the post was going to go with the title so it took me some time to get around to reading it.When I did, I had to pause half way through the article. First and foremost I will not link the article in this post. I do understand that everyone has different beliefs and that they are entitled to their beliefs, but I refuse to give such drabble any traffic my own meager blog.

The article starts off by telling us about a seemingly pleasant exchange with a man that the author has encountered and states that similar encounters happened more than once. The author states that she thinks that he is flirting. Okay, that seems perfectly harmless. Until she throws the fact that the exchange is so peculiar to her because she is black and the man in question is white. Still, not too bad, there’s a first time for everything right? Well, as I’m sure you know where this going, the author informs us about her policy about dating white men. Or should I say, her policy of consciously not dating white men at all.

Now, as someone who happens to be biracial, with, you guessed it, black and white, I feel obligated to respond to this post. But don’t let my racial makeup fool you. My views are hardly influenced by my background and you will later see why. Now, in order to fully explain why I think this article is incredibly narrow minded and counterproductive to the author’s gripes with society (which admittedly, are valid but not on the scale that she makes it seem, hence why generalizations are often the first step to a broken argument), I will have to quote a portion of this post. The author states that;

“‘I’m Black by happenstance. I distance myself from what is conventionally (read, negatively) understood as Black. Everything I do, I do not as a Black person, but as an individual. I can and do happily blend in with the norm.’ Now we all know that whiteness predominates what defines the norm in our society. So when people elect to describe themselves as folks who ‘just happen to be black,’ it’s a deliberate signal to society that they are Black only to the extent that the have to be (visibly). They are saying that their Blackness is not the sort that rocks the boat — that in fact, their identity could be readily swiped with any other random (read white) person’s in the world. In so doing, these folks, however unintentionally, are diminishing the value of their Blackness”

There are a million and one things wrong with this statement, (In my humble opinion) most notably, the idea that “whiteness” is the norm in our society and that any black person who acts as though they just happen to be black is somehow diminishing their value as a black person. Knock knock, we are all human beings. Now maybe the world doesn’t work the way I think it does, but I’m pretty sure that the more you try to separate yourself from someone else, the more they do alienate you. I would honestly like someone to explain to me, how defining yourself as a black person, not as a person will help the norm change at all? What I do see it doing, is leading down a path of more blacksploitation films, songs, and media. I see it dividing the country and causing people who are not black to feel left out and different. And do you know what people do when they think that something is different? They lash out. In my opinion, the greatest way to change something and to make an impression on someone is to do it by having a constant influence and presence. If we take a show like The Bachelor, which could be called a very “white” (and I do hate using skin color to denote a certain mentality) show, and say “Instead of incorporating other races into the show, let’s make a black one, an Asian one, and a Hispanic one!” THAT DOES NOT FIX THE PROBLEM. What it does, is serve as a  reason for people to become nasty, judgmental, and competitive.

Now, the second argument that I have issue with in this article is the idea that by dating a white man you are coddling his privilege. First of all, the idea that all white people are privileged in racist in itself. In an economy like the one we are in today, that argument won’t stand when it comes to economics. However, there’s social privilege, which I will grant is true in some cases. But do you really think that all white people even realize that they have some privilege if they have any? More importantly, the author ASSUMES that a white male would resist any kind of social political educational experience and because of this she BACKS DOWN from that challenge by saying: “I would be compelled to hold this man accountable to recognizing his white male privilege, while he would likely resist the discomfort of learning that his actions and words reinforce pernicious systems of oppression which oppress masses of people everywhere. So I err towards circumventing the tension by writing the possibility of dating white men out of the realm of possibility altogether.” Forgive me, but that sounds like a woman who is truly afraid of a challenge and the kind of person who will cry all day about injustice but do nothing about it. For an article posted on a website called feminspire the tuck tail and run strategy seems pretty uninspiring.  And if anything, it perpetuates the idea that men are evil WHILE encouraging women to do nothing about it.

My mother is white and my father is black so I might not be as black as the author of that article thinks I’d be valuable as. However, I deal with a lot of injustice from both sides of the fence. Either I’m not black enough for many people or I’m “still black” for others. I disregard these comments because I am a humanist. I do however, see what happens when two races decide that they want to live independent of each other. Typically, both races will validate their racist beliefs because they feel that the other is so stuck up and wrapped up within themselves that they think they are better than the others.  RIGHT OR WRONG THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS. It will always happen. I am sorry but you can not guilt trip and entire race of people for something that happened over a century ago. You can try but it will not work. You need to be progressive not divisive. It’s fine if you aren’t attracted to someone, I’m not saying that we all need to get together and blend colors. What I am saying, is that people need to not have such a narrow minded view of the world because it does nothing but create even more issues. There are a million and one other issues that I have with the post but as I am pressed for time I end my rant here.Please feel free to comment or discuss this further with me. I’d love to see what others have to say.

I think I have changed my mind now, I will share the link so that my readers can see for themselves.